
Design settings which are intended to customize the homepage.

  1. Home title: The main title displayed in Primary font. This is the H1 heading of the homepage.

  2. Home sub title: Usually the tagline of your brand.

  3. Hero button link: Add a link to where you want to drive traffic. For, e.g if you have a Shopify store, you can add the link to your Shop page here.

  4. Hero button text: Text of the button. E.g. Shop Now

You can either use a button or show a subscribe CTA form in the hero section. If you provide a Hero button link, then the subscribe CTA form will be hidden.

  1. Use infinite load: If enabled, it will show 'Load X More Posts' (X is the number of posts per page in package.json) button. If disabled, it will show 'All Articles' button which will redirect you to the custom 'Articles' page.

'Articles' is a custom page. You will see the steps to create that page later in the documentation under Custom Pages section.

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