๐Ÿ…ฐ๏ธBrand Settings

These are the default settings that Ghost provides. These are not dependent on the theme. We will go through each setting one by one.

Site Description:

This is used for your meta description, which tells Google about your website. This theme does not use it to show any content. You can limit it to about 140 characters for better SEO. Nothing will happen on the theme visually if you change it, but it is for SEO purposes only.

Accent color:

This is the main color of the hero section. This color is also used in various places like buttons, editor cards, and page headers.

Publication Icon:

This is the favicon of your brand. Upload a square image.

This will be your brand logo and appear in the website's top left corner. You can also upload a high-resolution favicon image as we did in the demo. But ensure it is a transparent image. Do not use an oversized image here. This image will load on every page and if you use an oversized image, the it will greatly hamper your load times.

Publication Cover:

This theme does not use a Publication cover image. You can delete the default image.

Last updated